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Terms and Conditions for using this website
The limited liability company "DODIR" (abbreviated name: "Dodir") (hereinafter: "we", "us", "our", etc.) allows you to use the services and content of the "Way of a Heart" website ( abbreviated name: WOAH) on the website www.wayofaheart.com which is governed by these terms of use.
By using these web pages and all associated pages and services belonging to the wayofaheart.com domain (hereinafter: WOAH Web), it is considered that users are familiar with these terms of use at all times, and that they fully understand and accept them.
Content and Services of WOAH Web and their changes
Dodir provides its users with access to various educational materials.
Dodir reserves the right to cancel, as well as change the appearance, content and terms of use of WOAH Web, as well as all services and subpages that are an integral part of WOAH Web, without prior notice. Dodir is not responsible for any damage caused by these changes.
By accepting these terms of use, the user agrees that WOAH Web services may include advertisements, notifications, messages from administrators and similar WOAH Web messages for regular notification of WOAH Web visitors/users and the normal functioning of all WOAH Web services and content.
Dodir fully disclaims any responsibility that may arise from, or is in any way related to, the use of the WOAH Web, for any actions of users/visitors using or abusing the content on the WOAH Web, and for any damage that may arise to the user/visitor or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the WOAH Web content.
Users Obligations when using WOAHJ Web
WOAH Web users are not allowed to:
A) publishing, sending and exchanging content that violates existing Croatian and/or international laws, content that is offensive, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, discriminatory, racist or chauvinistic and harmful in any other way,
B) publication, sending and exchange of information that the visitor knows or assumes to be false, and the use of which could cause harm to other users,
C) false representation on behalf of another legal or natural person,
D) manipulation of information for the purpose of hiding the origin of content published or sent via WOAH Web services,
E) publishing, sending and exchanging content that is protected by copyright,
F) publication, sending and exchange of unwanted content to users without their consent or request,
G) knowingly publishing, sending and exchanging content that contains viruses or similar computer files or programs designed for the purpose of destroying or limiting the operation of any computer software and/or hardware and telecommunications equipment,
H) using, in any way, WOAH Web for sending or encouraging the spread of unsolicited commercial communications (so-called "spam"),
I) collection, storage and publication of personal data of other portal visitors and users.
Dodir reserves the right to remove content that it deems inappropriate or does not correspond to these terms of use, without prior notice in case of unauthorized use or violation of these terms of use.
The content on the WOAH Web is protected by copyright. Documents, data and information published on the WOAH Web may not be reproduced, distributed or in any way used for commercial purposes without the express consent of Dodir, or in any way that may cause damage to Dodir or any third party. Documents, data and information published on the WOAH Web can only be used for the individual needs of users and at their own risk with respect to all copyright and ownership rights and the rights of third parties.
Privacy Protection and Data Confidentiality
Dodir undertakes to respect the anonymity and privacy of its users and WOAH Web visitors. Dodir will collect user/visitor personal data in accordance with applicable regulations. The above data will be used, for example, for the purpose of informing users about the services and content of WOAH and WOAH Web, better insight and understanding of user needs and requirements, as well as developing the possibility of providing the highest quality content and services of Dodir and WOAH Web.
Privacy Protection Policy
WOAH Web uses the so-called cookies (eng. "cookies") in order to be able to provide a free service to users with full functionality and the highest quality content. Cookies represent a set of data generated by the website server and saved by the web browser on the user's disk in the form of a small text file.
WOAH monitors the statistical traffic of its pages solely for the purpose of obtaining the necessary information about the attractiveness and success of its pages in the market, and in doing so uses a third-party service.
WOAH may also use cookies for the purpose of advertising its own services and products and the services and products of its partners that may be of interest to users of the WOAH Web service. The display of ads delivered by Dodir or a partner to the user of the WOAH Web service is made possible through cookies that WOAH Web or a third party can place in the user's web browser.
The user and/or visitor of WOAH Web can always independently regulate the receipt of cookies through the settings of their web browser. Dodir waives all responsibility for any loss of functionality of the WOAH Web service and the quality of content on the WOAH Web in all cases of the user's choice to regulate the receipt of cookies.
By using the WOAH Web, it is considered that users and/or visitors are at all times familiar with and agree to these terms of use, including the provisions on data processing in connection with cookies and options regarding the same.
Links to other Websites and User-provided content
WOAH Web may also contain documents, data, information as well as links to other Internet pages created by third parties (links) which, whenever possible, will be marked as such. Dodir has no control over the mentioned documents, data, information or other Internet pages and fully disclaims any responsibility related to the content on Internet pages created by third parties.
Dodir is not responsible for the content of advertiser pages on the WOAH Web and for any damage caused by advertising on the WOAH Web. The business relationship between advertisers and users on the WOAH Web and outside the WOAH Web is exclusively based on the business agreement between the advertiser and the user, and Dodir is not responsible for any possible damage resulting from such a business relationship.
Dodir does not control the content exchanged by users and cannot guarantee the accuracy, origin or quality of such content. In case of learning that some content violates the legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia or damages the reputation of Dodir or WOAH Web as a media, Dodir reserves the right to remove such content from WOAH Web without prior notice. Dodir will not be responsible in any way for the content or the loss and damage of the content that occurred due to the use of the WOAH Web. Dodir reserves the right to use content published or shared by WOAH Web users for promotional purposes.
Termination and Prohibition of using WOAH Web Service
Dodir reserves the right to terminate or deny the possibility of using the user account and/or one or more services for which the user is registered, without prior notice and/or explanation. Dodir is not responsible for any damage caused by the termination of the user account and/or one or more services for which the user is registered.
Transferring Content from WOAH Web in other media
Printed and electronic media can transmit author's works from WOAH Web, under the following conditions:
A) if the author has not expressly prohibited the reproduction, distribution and communication of his work to the public and if the author's work is used to the extent that corresponds to the purpose and method of reporting;
B) when reproducing, distributing and/or communicating to the public the transferred author's work, it is mandatory to indicate the source and authorship of the work in the header (www.wayofaheart.com),
C) it is mandatory to indicate in the body of the text of the transferred author's work the name of the website where the original article or the author's work being transferred is located,
D) when transmitting the author's work, it is not allowed to change the meaning, as well as free interpretation of the text,
E) in order to publish or reproduce, distribute and/or communicate to the public photos or videos originally posted on the WOAH Web in other printed and/or electronic media or on other platforms, it is necessary to request the written consent of the WOAH Web editors in a timely manner
These terms of use were last modified on May 21, 2024.
Energy Medicine
The Path of Heart
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