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Testimonials from the Heart: Authentic Stories of Client Experiences
They are here to encourage you, that when you decide and take action, everything changes. You are the most important character in Your life. Always choose with your Heart, and follow the path it guides you on.
These stories are here to serve as a beacon of encouragement, igniting the spark within you to embark on your own journey of growth and change. You are the most important character in Your life. Choose with your Heart, and follow the path it guides you on.

"I've had an opportunity to practise shamanic healing with Teo during our wonderful program organized by the Four Winds Institute, and I can easily say that Teo's energy, approach, words and overall vibe is super healing itself. One of our practical sessions brought me also some very deep experiences which helped me do some more emotional cleansing needed also afterwards. And that's the whole point of these kind of practises --- to unleash the super power of healing and wellbeing from within! If you need such a support from a wonderful and trustful person I can without doubt say that my shamanic schoolmate Teo is definitely one of them. "
- Lena, Slovenia
"U trenutku kada sam izgubila svaku volju za pricanjem sa bilo kim o mom stanju, dobila sam preporuku za Tea, dobila sam njegov mail, i obratila mu se povodom svog stanja. Od prvog razgovora sam znala da cu nastaviti da se cujem sa njim jos mnogo puta, do trenutka dok stvarno ne budem tip top, jer sam osecala olaksanje posle prvog razgovora. Svaki sledeci put je bio zanimljiviji, i neko novo otkrice mene. Malo je da kazem da sam prezadovoljna njegovim radom! I veliko hvala na svemu!"
- Nataša, Serbia
"At the moment when I lost all will to talk to anyone about my condition, I got a recommendation for Teo, I got his email, and I contacted him about my condition. From the first conversation, I knew that I would continue to hear from him many more times, until the moment I was really tip-top. Because I felt relief after the first conversation with him. Every next time was more interesting, and some new discovery of myself happened. It is an understatement to say that I am very satisfied with his work! And many thanks for everything!"
- Nataša, Serbia
"Bog je stvorio snove da bi pokazao put snevacu cije oci su u tami....Teo je mene vodio kroz san koji je trajao nekoliko divnih nedelja, iskustvo koje sam dozivela sa njim je ostavio trag u mom srcu, beskrajno hvala.💗 Moje oci sada vide svetlo🙏"
- Ružica, Serbia
"God created dreams to show Dreamer the way, whose eyes are in darkness.... Teo led me through a dream that lasted for several wonderful weeks, the experience I had with him left a mark in my heart, endless thanks.💗 My eyes now see the light 🙏"
- Ružica, Serbia
"Zahvaljujući radu sa Teom osjećam se kao nova osoba. Ne mogu riječima opisati koliko mi je rad s njime značio i pomogao. Na trenutke imam osjećaj kao da sam nova osoba i vibriram na sasvim nekim novim vibracijama koje prije nisam ni znala da postoje.
Teo je prije svega jedna izgrađena i integrirana ličnost u svakom smislu sa prepuno znanja i osobnog i stvorenog kroz učenje, prakticiranjem raznih tehnika i završenih tečajeva i diploma.
Vrlo je ugodna, topla, empatična i staložena osoba koja iskreno uživa u pomaganju drugima i što je naročito vazno, vrlo je susretljiva i pristupačna osoba. Ja sam osobno radila na nekim svojim ograničavajućim uvjerenjima i toksičnim odnosima prvenstveno sa samom sobom a onda i ostalima i on mi je pomogao ne samo da to osvijestim već da i svojim problematikama pristupim na jedan puno sveobuhvatniji i dublji iscjeljujući nacin.
Puno sam toga što me mučilo sa njim rješila, upoznala svoje sjenke i zavoljela ih i prihvatila a time su se i moji svi odnosi puno sveobuhvatnije i dublje iscijelili. Pomogao mi je da udjem u svoju podsvijest i osvijestim ju, i naučim kako s njom raditi da radi za mene a ne protiv mene. Osvijestila sam i približila se svojoj svrsi i sada mi je jasnije koja je, a što je najbitnije naučio me kako da se približim samoljubavi i da ljubav prigrlim i ona prožme cijeli moj život.
Iako imam još puno rada na sebi, sretna sam jer znam da je on bio jedan potreban kotačić u mom životu koji mi je baš tada u životu bio potreban kako bi me pripremio i približio mojoj životnoj svrsi i misiji, i zato ću mu uvijek biti zahvalna što mi se ukazao u životu bas onda kada mi je bio
najpotrebniji. Mnogo mi je pomogao i samo hvala mogu reći, a koliko me toga naučio ne bi stalo u ove retke.
Na kraju i riječi postaju suvišne i ograničene da opišem koliko mi je dao. Moja topla preporuka za rad s njime i preporučujem ga svakome od najmlađih članova do nešto starijih svima će svakako pomoći i svatko će od njega dobiti baš ono što mu je najpotrebnije."
- Marija, Hrvatska
"Thanks to working with Teo, I feel like a new person. I cannot describe in words how much working with him meant to me and helped me. At times I feel like I'm a new person and I'm vibrating on completely new vibration that I didn't even know existed before.
Teo is first and foremost a well-built and integrated personality in every sense, with a wealth of knowledge, both personal and created through learning, practicing various techniques and completed courses and diplomas. He is a very pleasant, warm, empathetic and calm person who sincerely enjoys helping others, and what is especially important, he is a very attentive and approachable person.
I personally worked on some of my limiting beliefs and toxic relationships, primarily with myself and then with others, and he helped me not only to become aware of it, but also to approach my problems in a much more comprehensive and deeper healing way. I solved a lot of things that were bothering me, got to know my shadows and came to love and accept them. And with that shift all my relationships healed much more comprehensively and deeply.
He helped me get into my subconscious and become aware of it, and learn how to work with it so that it works for me and not against me. I became aware of, and got closer to my purpose. Now it is clearer to me what it is my purpose, and what is most important, he taught me how to embrace self-love and let love permeate my whole life.
Although I still have a lot of work to do, I am happy because I know that he was a necessary wheel in my life, that I needed at that time in my life to prepare me and bring me closer to my life's purpose and mission. For that I will always be grateful that he appeared in my life just when it was most necessary for me. He helped me a lot, and I can only say Thank you, and how much he taught me would not fit in these lines.
In the end, words become redundant and limited in order to describe how much I received. My warm recommendation for working with him, and I recommend him to everyone, from the youngest members to the older ones, he will certainly help everyone, and everyone will get exactly what they need the most from him.
- Marija, Croatia
"Teo is an amazing healer. He is very intuitive, patient, and he has the most amazing ability to create safe and sacred space. As I was just starting my healing journey, he told me that each of our journey is different that I needed to trust my intuition and not compare myself to anyone else. I highly recommend working with Teo no matter where you are in your healing journey. He is very skilled and is able to tap into a number of modalities to help you through every layer of healing."
- Meaghan, USA
"Počelo je sasvim spontano ... od prijateljstva, rada na sebi do iskrene komunikacije sa Teom.. Poslije svakog razgovora s njim slijedio bi period stagnacije a onda oči i osjećaji širom otvoreni i sada me raduje svaki novi uvid koji se pojavi nakon rada s njim, jer itekako znači!"
- Adisa, Hrvatska
""It started quite spontaneously ... from friendship, working on myself, all the way to honest communication with Teo. After every conversation with him, a period of stagnation would follow, and then my eyes and feelings became wide open, and now I am happy with every new insight that appears after working with with him, because it means a lot!""
- Adisa, Croatia
"I've had an opportunity to practise shamanic healing with Teo during our wonderful program organized by the Four Winds Institute, and I can easily say that Teo's energy, approach, words and overall vibe is super healing itself. One of our practical sessions brought me also some very deep experiences which helped me do some more emotional cleansing needed also afterwards. And that's the whole point of these kind of practises --- to unleash the super power of healing and wellbeing from within! If you need such a support from a wonderful and trustful person I can without doubt say that my shamanic schoolmate Teo is definitely one of them. "
- Lena, Slovenia
"U trenutku kada sam izgubila svaku volju za pricanjem sa bilo kim o mom stanju, dobila sam preporuku za Tea, dobila sam njegov mail, i obratila mu se povodom svog stanja. Od prvog razgovora sam znala da cu nastaviti da se cujem sa njim jos mnogo puta, do trenutka dok stvarno ne budem tip top, jer sam osecala olaksanje posle prvog razgovora. Svaki sledeci put je bio zanimljiviji, i neko novo otkrice mene. Malo je da kazem da sam prezadovoljna njegovim radom! I veliko hvala na svemu!"
-Nataša, Serbia
"I've had an opportunity to practise shamanic healing with Teo during our wonderful program organized by the Four Winds Institute, and I can easily say that Teo's energy, approach, words and overall vibe is super healing itself. One of our practical sessions brought me also some very deep experiences which helped me do some more emotional cleansing needed also afterwards. And that's the whole point of these kind of practises --- to unleash the super power of healing and wellbeing from within! If you need such a support from a wonderful and trustful person I can without doubt say that my shamanic schoolmate Teo is definitely one of them. "
- Lena, Slovenia
Energy Medicine
The Path of Heart
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